
spring campus apple blossoms

Students who do not have an active online account will need to order a transcript. We offer both unofficial and official transcripts. Please visit our transcript request page for further information.

Fall 2024

To find your grades online:

To order a transcript:

Students who do not have an active online account will need to order a transcript. We offer both unofficial and official transcripts. Please visit our transcript request page for further information.


Spring and Summer 2024

Instructions for Entering Grades

Fall 2024

Instructions for Entering Grades

If you have any question as to whether your submission was successful, please do not hesitate to contact us at 719-587-7321 to verify.

If you have never received your log-in and password please contact our Computing Services department at 719-587-7741. Should you have any questions or encounter difficulty, please contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance, 719-587-7321.

TF-Technical Fail and TU-Technical Unsatisfactory Grades

Professors will assign a grade of TF, or TU for all developmental/remedial courses, to any students who register for a class and cease attending at some point within the period of enrollment. When a grade of TF or TU is reported on the final grade roster, the last date of attendance must also be recorded. If a student has never attended, use the class’ first meeting date as the last date of attendance. When entering the last known date of attendance (or last participation in any course-related activity), please enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format. If you do not, you will receive an error and be unable to submit:

Please note that you should assign a grade of F instead of a TF (or U instead of a TU) to any student who completed the course but failed to meet the course objectives (or was in attendance on or after the census date).

IN-Incomplete Grades

The grade of incomplete (IN) is a temporary mark assigned for course work of acceptable quality that students, through no fault of their own, are unable to complete by the end of the semester. An IN grade is not given for neglected or unsatisfactory work. Students enrolled in year-long correspondence courses will automatically be issued an IN grade at the end of the semester in which they enrolled unless they have completed all requirements within their term of enrollment.

Please review our Incomplete (IN) policies if you wish to issue such a grade and remember that an Incomplete Agreement Form must be signed and submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

SP-Satisfactory Progress Grades

The grade of SP (Satisfactory Progress) is only available at the graduate level. In general, this grade is restricted to courses such as practica, clinicals, theses, dissertations, and courses requiring research over an extended period of time. The SP grade should be assigned by the end-of-term final grade deadline and indicates that a student is making satisfactory progress towards completion of their course.


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Adams State University
Office of the Registrar
Richardson Hall, Suite 2110
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101